First activity is a critical one: decide on the keywords that should be targeted for the website and for individual pages. This does not have to be done for all pages - just the key pages. The key pages are those that you wish prospects to link to directly from search results. These may be product pages, service pages, the home page etc. Define around 20 keywords for the site.
Keywords are not submitted to search engines, instead the search engines perform their own analysis (called spidering) which amongst other things will assess the words appearing on each page and form a conclusion of what the keywords are for the page/site. SEO is partially about structuring the site and content so that search engines come to the desired conclusion.
Here is some guidance on choosing marketing-related keywords:
One of the primary roles of an SEO specialist is to help identifying keywords. For example they will identify variations on your chosen keywords that are often searched for but where the sites at the top of the results list are low quality. SEO specialists use software packages to assist them in efficiently identifying good keywords but still, much of the work hinges on the skill and experience of the specialist.
A good SEO specialist will assess the popularity of your keywords and suggest variations that will give your website a higher chance of appearing on that all-important first search results page.
Technical keyword analysis is not the subject of this paper as here, we are documenting what non-technical users can achieve.
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